Data Organization Tools
Your Business, Automated.
A more efficient way to run your business

Access Your Data with Speed and Ease

The amount of company information increases with each business day. Organizational Tools organizes your data so you can quickly locate specific data with ease. There is also the option to list information chronologically or alphabetically, which allows users to locate data even if they lack the information to do a search. Rather than wasting time searching for data, these tools help minimize wasted time and allow you to focus on developing your business.

Data Filtering
Data Filtering allows you to filter your list of leads, customers, orders, and others according to its attributes. This feature allows you to easily locate your desired group of data.

Alphabetical & Numerical Listing
Alphabetical and Numerical Listing organizes your list of leads, customers, orders, etc. in alphabetical or numerical order and its reverse. This is another tool for you to efficiently locate your data.

Chronological Listing
Chronological Listing uses the date and time of data creation to organize your list of leads, customers, orders, and etc. in chronological order and its reverse. This is another tool for you to locate your data in case you do not possess the name or relevant information besides the approximate date of creation.

Quick Search
If you have a name or an ID number, you can utilize the Quick Search to locate your data immediately. All your data in your Servora system can be found with Quick Search.