Product Management
Your Business, Automated.
A more efficient way to run your business

Track, Edit, and Micro-Manage Your Products

Servora Product Management allows you to track and edit all details pertaining to your products with ease. Product ID and Vendor Codes allow for easy product tracking and the ability to define a product's Bill of Materials used for assembly. Any changes made to product specifications and details are instantly updated to your Website resulting in increased efficiency and a decrease in number of errors. Ultimately, Servora Product Management helps you to centrally manage all your product details with ease.

Product Description & Images
For each product you can add product descriptions and images. These descriptions and images can be used internally with the option to have them displayed onto your website at the same time. These descriptions introduce your products to your customers while providing technical specifications and feature descriptions. This allows your website visitors to fully understand your products.

Product ID
All products will have their own unique Product ID. The Product IDs can be coded to your preference or auto-generated. They also help you to locate your products with simplicity.

Related Products
Related Products gives you the option to create cross references between products. It is especially helpful when you have different products that compliment or have similarities with each other. With these references, your sales team will know what Related Products to up-sell or cross-sell and allows your customers to find and purchase additional Related Products. Overall, these references will display directly onto your website and help increase your overall revenue per order.

Product Documents Attachment
With Product Documents Attachment, you can attach multiple documents to a product. These attachments can range from any information including user manuals, instructions, and other related product information. You can download these attachments internally and allow your website visitors to download these attachments at any time.

Product Reviews
Product Reviews allow your website customers to post their comments and ratings for your products. These reviews will help your prospective customers gain trust in your honesty of allowing reviews of your products. In addition, you can also manage the Product Reviews internally.

Product Activities Management
Product Activities Management allows you to set tasks and events related to each product. As you view the details of the specific product, the related tasks and events will be displayed so you can view past interactions and future activities related to the specific product.

Employee Edit Trail
Any manual changes to your product information will automatically be logged in Servora Enterprise Solutions. This log includes a timestamp and a record of the user who made the modifications. This information will help assist you when any problems arise regarding product information.

Google Merchant Center
Servora's Ecommerce solution is fully integrated with Google Merchant Center to bring the maximum exposure of your products through Google. Your entire product list is uploaded to google merchant center for use in AdWords ads, Google Search, Google Product Search, and Google Commerce Search. It is fully synchronized with your most current product list, and any changes you made within Servora will also be submitted to Google instantly without manual editing.