Website Builder
Your Business, Automated.
A more efficient way to run your business

Create a Unique Online Shopping Experience

Website Builder allows you to build, edit, and customize your website the way you want it and at any time you want. You can easily customize the color, structure, and overall layout of your website to adhere to your company culture or appeal to your web visitors. You no longer need to request your web developer to update your website, nor do you have to wait weeks for your web developer to finish working on those updates. Not only does Website Builder enable you to update your website quicker, you will also have complete control over your website.

Multiple Website Platform
Your Servora System provides a platform for you to build multiple websites. This platform allows you to centrally manage all of the contents, orders, customers, etc. of your websites. This helps avoid any web content discrepancies while increasing web management efficiency.

Appearance Themes
Appearance Themes gives all your web pages a unique but consistent look and feel. It unifies the overall color and structure of your website to give your customers a unique browsing experience, convey professionalism, and build trust.

Site Building Tools
Your Servora System contains the tools for you to build, edit, or customize your website the way you want it and at any time you want. This is where you edit your Appearance Themes and set the overall structure of your website.

Dynamic Content
Since your website is built with your Servora system, any changes in your Servora system will immediately reflect onto your website. This avoids any problems of having errors arise from inconsistent data. Dynamic Content also saves you time by eliminating the need of duplicating data or re-entering data.

Meta Tags
You can easily create, edit, and update the meta tags of your website. This will help you improve your website's ranking in search engines.