Product Previews
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Servora Product Previews

Accounting Automation The Accounting Automation product preview will show you how bookkeeping is automated when a sales order or a purchase order is created and processed. Servora's accounting automation has helped businesses decrease errors in journal entries, which saved them time and reduced their headaches of tracking accounting errors.

CRM 360 The CRM 360 product preview will show you how you can get a 360 degree view of your customers. This comprehensive view of your customers has helped businesses to better service and to better understand their customers.

Order Fulfillment & Inventory Automation The Order Fulfillment & Inventory Automation product preview will show you how to fulfill a sales order and how your inventory is automated according to the order fulfillment stages. This automation has allowed many companies to gain real-time visibility into their inventory. At the same time, it has helped the same companies to reduce both manual inventory management and back-orders.

Order Placement & Invoicing The Order Placement & Invoicing product preview will show you how to submit a sales order and generate an invoice in six simple steps. This simple process for creating an order and generating an invoice has helped many businesses to increase their operational efficiency, which saved them time and decreased their costs.

Order Tracking The Order Tracking product preview will show you how track a sales order by using Servora's order fulfillment module and the CRM module. These easy methods of tracking an order in real-time has helped businesses increase their overall customer satisfaction.

Website Builder The Website Builder product preview will show you how your website contents can easily be edited and updated at any time you want. This simple and user friendly ways of editing and updating your website has given many businesses the flexibility and the control they need to manage their website.

Website Integration with Accounting, CRM, and Order Fulfillment The Website Integration preview will show you how your website can be integrated with Servora's accounting, CRM, and order fulfillment modules. With this type of integration, businesses have created a more efficient business operation because they no longer need to manage multiple systems at once.