Productivity Tools
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Your Business, Automated.
A more efficient way to run your business
Work Smarter, Faster, and Increase Work ProductivityServora Productivity Tools allows for easy communication and collaboration with your fellow employees. Daily tasks, events, and reminders can be set on an individual's calendar using Activities Management. They can share these tasks, events, and reminders with their colleagues in order to keep them up-to-date on specific meetings, projects, and events. Whenever an important announcement is issued, a company alert will notify all employees. Employees and Executives will have the option to notify their fellow colleagues regarding any updates via email and public posting viewable in their Servora Enterprise Solutions account. Each user will have basic and customizable personal email templates that allow them to communicate faster. Overall, Productivity Tools maximizes efficiency by giving you and your employees the tools to work smarter and faster. Activities Management >> Email Templates >> Data Organization Tools >> |