Products & Pricing
Your Business, Automated.
A more efficient way to run your business

Position Your Product for Success

Servora Product & Pricing allows you to better organize, manage, and market your products from all different levels so you can better position your products to elevate your business. Product & Pricing displays your lists of products in an organized fashion, which helps your employees to easily Search/Track a product and allow smoother navigation on your Website. Specific details of your products can be added to provide additional detailed descriptions about the product including Bill of Materials, Customer Reviews, and additional documents/information. With Product & Pricing, you can unify your item's pricing and avoid showing pricing errors to different customers. The comprehensive use of these tools gives you the organization you need to deliver better management of your products.

Product Classification >>
Organize your products for easy browsing and data retrieval.

Product Management >>
Track and edit all the details about your products with ease.

Pricing Management >>
Unify pricing to decrease errors and build customer trust.